Game Based Learning for Induction and Onboarding

Did you know that within the first 45 days of joining a new organization, one in 5 employees decides if they should opt-out??

Recruitment is an expensive as well as a time-consuming process. Once you get the right candidates, it is imperative to have measures in place to induct them as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

This clearly affirms the need for a well-structured and equally well-executed corporate induction and onboarding training program to ensure that the new employees are not disenchanted. In fact, it should serve to enhance the positive image of the organization.

If you have still not converted your offline employee induction to e-induction it’s time to do so…here are the numbers to show why you should have an employee e-induction.

The traditional face-to-face approach to render induction and onboarding programs is normally the approach most organizations opt for. This is of high impact, and the human touch goes a long way in helping new employees learn the organization culture, its value proposition, and how they can contribute very effectively.

However, this approach does have some challenges that can hamper the impact it aims to create. Increasingly, organizations are evaluating a transition to a blended or fully online approach to impart corporate induction and onboarding training.

What are the benefits of game-based elearning for induction and onboarding?

1.Provides flexibility to the learners to set their own time as well as the pace for learning

2.Enables employee engagement and ensures retention

3.Cost-effective strategy

4.Helps in increasing productivity of the organization

5.Provides detailed tracking and reporting of information

Gamified e-induction

By gamifying the employee induction process, it helps the organization to provide a stress-free, convenient and fun environment for learning.  The use of the game elements like the rewards, leaderboard etc can make the onboarding experience a fun, rewarding and engaging one. Let’s take a quick look at the benefits offered by gamified e-induction.

•Make the learning sticky as learners “want it” rather than “ compelled to finish it”.

•Leads to more successful learning outcomes as the learners are better able to retain and apply the concepts due to the gamified nature of employee induction

•New joiners may carry a positive image of the company owing to the gamified nature of learning. Millennial may find it rather “cool”……

Game-based e-induction 

Use of games and game-based learning for corporate training requirements is definitely increasing. Hence it is not surprising that game-based e-induction is gaining the acceptance in the corporate world as a fresh strategy to onboard their new hires by playing a game. 

The attributes of e-learning games, such as engaging and interactive gameplay, compelling storylines, attainable challenges, rewards, recognition, control, and a safe environment make them a powerful choice for e-induction programs.

So, How Is eLearning Going To Help You—And Your Brilliant New Starters—Out?

Well, first of all, eLearning will enable you to be there when you can’t—if you see what I mean. This is just one benefit of video-based learning. You can set up all the training and courses in advance. So, when new employees arrive, you just get them to enroll at their onboarding school and join whichever courses suit their job-role. eLearning will mean you won’t have to spend the resources or the time to find a place to induct all your new staff and give them the same spiel you have given the last 20 new starters. Give yourself a break, and let the online school you built do the work for you. According to a study, employees who receive a structured orientation process are 69% more likely to continue working for your company for 3 years. With high turnovers of staff, onboarding staff could lead to a better and stronger connection among members and subsequently happier workforce as employees feel the need and desire to stay with the company they currently work for, for longer. Ultimately, this will also reduce the costs of new staff acquisition.

What Are The Benefits Of eLearning As A Method For Onboarding Staff?

eLearning not only benefits you in terms of time being saved and training management but it benefits your new starters too. They can go through the course at the speed that suits them, educating themselves on everything they need to know. Now, I know what you might be thinking—it’s cruel to leave them to sit there all day reading page after page! I completely agree with you—that is extremely boring and your brain can’t process all that information. eLearning has really come a long way from the traditional corporate training videos and text. You can now include lots of various content such as video, live broadcasting, text, images, audio, quizzes, and assessments. So, the learning format does not have to be dull. If you’re onboarding a lot of people at once, or over a period of time, a live broadcast training module provided to all your new starters across many offices could be really beneficial.

eLearning Should Be Drip Fed And The Content Of Training Varied

It’s also important to note that onboarding training does not have to be completed in just one day. It’s actually far better if you drip feed your lessons, so there is perhaps a new lesson every day or every week. This keeps the content fresh in learners’ minds since they have the time and energy to absorb it. If you’re looking for other ways to reward staff for taking the time to complete their necessary or additional training units, then gamification can be a great tool.  It is a great way of encouraging your learners to complete their weekly or daily lessons as they gain badges or certificates for completion/progress.

So, hopefully, eLearning is now a tool your HR department will consider for onboarding as it really does both you and your new starters a wealth of good. Move away from the stagnated learning videos and bulky books of training manuals and start moving towards more engaged and interactive learning.